Blue & Gold

Sales Period

January 30-February 23 

Available Products

B&G Sausage = $11.00 per 2 ½ lb roll

B&G Bacon = $21.00 per 3 lb package

B&G Chicken Tenderloin Fritters = $29.00 per 5 lb bag

Turning in Orders

Please follow all instructions listed below for turning in orders and payment!

How to turn in orders:

  • Please keep your order forms for your records. DO NOT turn in your order form(s) to UBPC!!!  An order form can be found and printed HERE

  • UBPC needs your total count for each item submitted ONLINE BY NOON on 02/23/2025. Order link HERE.

  • Tally the number of each item sold by type & total amount due. If you receive additional orders after your original submittal, please resubmit the entire order with the additions.

  • We apologize that we cannot accept credit card payments for fundraisers.

How to prepare BEFORE arriving to turn in Payment:      

  • Payment is Due on February 18th at the High School.

  • Your order will be CANCELED if payment is not made on the required date.


  • Verify that all checks are made out to UBPC or Union Band Parent Club.

  • Put your student’s first & last name on the memo line of all checks you receive. 

  • Separate checks from cash and organize cash with like bills together.

  • If the check is made out to you, you will need to write a check to UBPC or turn in cash.

  • If possible UBPC prefers ONE check for your students sales $ total.

  • Please seal all cash & checks in an envelope marked with "Blue and Gold", Student’s First & Last Name, Grade, Seller/Contact Name, phone number, and sales $ total.


  • Delivery is anticipated to be the week of 02/24/2025.

Estimated Profit Margins

Exact profits calculated by subtracting the wholesale cost of items ordered plus sales tax (what B&G charges UBPC) from the total sale price for each student.