Current Fundraising Opportunties
Raise-365 Discount cards
Money and orders are due 10/04/24.
Delivery is INSTANT! This is a digital discount card fundraiser.
Discount cards $20.00 each – Over 5,000 vendors - digital card.
Orders are all online- instant delivery to your phone
Keep $14.00 of every $20.00 gift card you sell.
Donation feature, keep 100% of your donations
Problem with your order?
Email Erica Potter at
This is a year round fundraiser. Electronic gifts cards can be purchased at any time with RaiseRight Online Payment. Physical Gift cards are ordered by announcement. Right click on the image to the right to download and share via Social Media to get your friends and family members to shop while earning money for your student’s account!
Electronic Gift Cards are delivered into your RaiseRight account almost immediately with RaiseRight Online Payment.
List of retailers and rebates.
Setting up your account
Please follow the following steps to start this fundraiser. Once you account it setup, it’s easy to shop and earn money!
Email to request the enrollment code for our organization.
Set up an account at (enter the enrollment code requested above and your student’s name when prompted)
Follow these steps to set up Online Payments through RaiseRight’s secure site.
Shop and earn MONEY for your student account!
July 23, 2024 - June 1, 2025
You may use this fundraiser year round, but we encourage everyone to participate in August to really help pay those fees!
Donations are 100% student profit; no need to sell anything except the experience you receive from band/guard.
PDF to Print Social Media Card to Share
Please make sure to mention that they must place your student's name on the donation to ensure the donation is credited to you properly. There are two ways for your supporters to make a donation:
Mail a check payable to:
UBPC (Union Band Parents Club)
P.O. Box 471915
Tulsa OK, 74147-1915Pay online HERE
Complete your donor information in the fields provided.
100% profit = Best. Fundraiser. Ever.
2024 marks the first launch of the “Support My Season” and is particularly appealing because of its 100% profit to the student account. Students truly don't have to limit themselves to recruiting donors - the sky is the limit!
Students ask people for a donation- a day at $18 or week at $125 or any amount; The student can quickly raise money towards band fees! Here is some general information and ideas for goal setting.
100% profit into your student's account
Students and Parents should read the brochure and become familiar with the advantages of participating in Union's band program.
Parents, help your student make a list of people they can approach. Grandparents, neighbors, coworkers of parents are just a few that you can ask.
Friends and family that are out-of-town can easily donate on-line or mail in donation with the completed brochure.
Donations can be made on-line at our website or by mail with a check made payable to UBPC (include self-addressed stamped envelope to UBPC in order to assist the donor)
Any amounts will be gladly accepted...any donation is better than no donation!
Be enthusiastic when telling people about Union's band program and all the wonderful advantages of being a part of this great program!
World’s Finest Chocolate
Selling Information
PRODUCT: Chocolate Bars
Join our Talking Points (UBPC Fundraising (Code: 6WBM26))
Sales price: $2.00 per bar
30 bars per case checked out
Cases contain five chocolate bar flavors: Milk, Dark, Almond, Carmel, Crisp
Profit: $0.45 per bar sold ($27.00 per case sold)
UBPC will issue credit for ONE box per student
Additional boxes can be checked out by paying for them at checkout
Checking Out Chocolate to Sell - Two Options
Students/Parents may check out ONE box when UBPC Fundraising is open for business during resource times. Exact dates / times / locations are communicated via text communications via Talking Points.
Students/Parents may pre-order ONE box for the student to pick up in band class. Chocolate is distributed to students in band class on either Tuesday or Wednesday. Please note that requests made less than 24 hours before distribution may need to wait until the following week.
Turning In Money
Return $60 in the envelopes provided when ALL chocolate in the box is sold, or within 30 days of check-out.
You may not check out additional chocolate until you have paid for the previous box.
The student's CHARMS account will be credited with $27 for every case sold. This profit may be applied towards band student fees or trip payments.
Payments can be placed in the Safe at one of the following facilities:
Union High School Band Office
U6/7 Center Band Office
U8 Center Band Office
Payments can be turned in at a High School Resource Night
Sign up for Fundraising Talking Points for more information
Fundraising does business just before and just after the meetings, never during.
Paid via Credit Card into your student’s Charms miscellaneous ledger (please indicated “WFC Fundraising” in the Description)
The following are NOT options for turning in money
NO COINS in payment envelopes. Please pay with cash or check only.
We can not make CHANGE.
Teachers can NOT take your payment envelope. All payments must be turned in securely to a band safe or paid by one of the other options above.
UBPC does not accept product returns for chocolate.
Students may not sell chocolate on school grounds during school hours.
Only one box may be checked out at a time. Payment must be received prior to checking out more product.
Payment is expected within 30 days.
Florida Indian River Groves Fruit Sale!
Sales Period
November 1 - November 15, 2024
Available Products
Navel Oranges
Pink Grapefruit
Mixed Navels & Grapefruit
Easy dessert mixes
Easy soup mixes
Hamlin Juice Oranges
Red delicious apples
Navels and Marmalade
Navels, apples, and pears
Toffee & Mandarins
Pecans & Mandarins
Turning in Orders
Order online and have fruit shipped to your door. Please see HERE for more detailed instructions!
You choose when to have your items delivered. Before Thanksgiving or Before Christmas.
Delivery is guaranteed before Christmas!
Makes a great gift!