High School Solo & Ensemble Festival




  • Sat, Feb 22, 2025 - Pryor H.S.


  • Sat., March 1, 2025 - Sapulpa High School

    • Bus Transportation is NOT available for this event

The exact performance schedule for these events will be unknown until a few days before the event. Please plan to reserve the entire day in your personal schedule. click here

Dress for performance success (dress nicely: no jeans, sneakers, t-shirts, hats). Guys: shirts tucked in, dark color socks, belt. This is NOT an audition, so the judge WILL see you in-person. ALL BLACK (black pants, long sleeved black dress shirt, black dress, black shoes, black socks, black belt, etc) is always a safe bet for appropriate concert attire.

List of Recommend Piano Accompanists: click here
Be sure to:
• communicate the performance time to the accompanist.
• find and meet with the accompanist beforehand if at all possible, though he/she may be very busy moving from room to room performing with other soloists.
• PAY the accompanist if you haven't already done so.
•  If using a pre-recorded accompaniment, be sure to have sufficient playback and amplification devices ready, as these will NOT be provided. If using a phone for playback, be sure it's in airplane mode during the performance, so as not to accept incoming calls, messages, or other notifications.  

• The Junior High gym serves as the venue for the Winds Warm-Up.
• Performances must exceed 2 minutes 30 seconds, and not have a duration in excess of 5 minutes. See a director if needing assistance in making a cut. Soloists should also practice the cuts with the accompanist.
• Performers MUST have the original print music to give to the judge. If using an electronically-acquired original, a valid receipt must accompany the printed original.
• The print music MUST have the measures numbered legibly.
• Marks other than the measure numbers should be erased; consider making a photocopy of the music you've marked prior to erasing the markings.
• Check in to the performance room at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled performance time; oftentimes the event runs ahead of schedule.
• For memorized solos, move all music stands out of the front of your performing area for maximum visibility of the judge.
• For non-memorized solos, push the music stand down as far as possible for maximum visibility of the judge.
• Prior to performing, performers should introduce themselves and the title of the music to the judge. Wear a SMILE for this procedure!
• Performances are evaluated by one judge. The judge will see the performance (it's not like a blind audition) and will provide a written critique and rating (1 thru 5, with 5 being 'Superior'). 


  • March 1 / Sapulpa H.S.

    • Below is the percussion equipment that is provided for your use at the facility.

    • Set of Timpani (23”, 26”, 29”, 32”)

    • 1 Malletech 5 Octave Marimba 

    • 1 Adams Concert Glockenspiel

    • 2 Musser Vibes (1 Gold, 1 Silver bars)

    • 3 Yamaha Acoustalon Marimbas (Low A)

    • 1 Adams Artist Marimba (Low A)

    • 1 Yamaha Xylophone 

• Dress for success! Dress nicely (no jeans, no cargo pants, no shorts, no sneakers or flops, no hats) dark socks. Guys: collared shirt tucked in, a belt should be worn with you pants.
• There will be a concession stand located outside the JH Gym warm-up area.
• You may want to bring along: phone/charger, $, snacks, bottled water, homework, a book, etc. 


via school bus

On your own, on or near campus. Consider bringing a sack lunch. If planning to go to Eskimo Joe’s, Hideaway, or another restaurant with wait staff, please bring adequate $ for tipping. Suggested minimum funds for lunch is $15.

Dress for performance success (dress nicely: no jeans, sneakers, t-shirts, hats). Guys: shirts tucked in, dark color socks, belt. This is NOT an audition, so the judge WILL see you in person. 

• Solos: $14.00
• Ensembles: $6 per student for 2-6 members, $5 per student for 7+ members.
• Fees will be deducted from positive CHARMS student account balances. For accounts at or below a zero balance, please bring cash or check (payable to UBPC), place in a band accounts deposit envelope, and insert into wall mounted drop-safe in the band office.
• Fees are non-refundable.

List of Recommend Piano Accompanists: click here
Be sure to:
• communicate your performance time to your accompanist.
• find and meet with your accompanist beforehand if at all possible, though he/she may be very busy moving from room to room performing with other soloists.
• PAY your accompanist if you haven't already done so.
If using a pre-recorded accompaniment, be sure to have sufficient playback and amplification devices ready, as these will NOT be provided. If using a phone for playback, be sure it's in airplane mode during the performance, so as not to accept incoming calls, messages, or other notifications.  

• Performances must exceed 2 minutes 30 seconds, and not have a duration in excess of 5 minutes. See a director if needing assistance in making a cut. Soloists should also practice the cuts with the accompanist.
• Performers MUST have the original print music to give to the judge. If using an electronically-acquired original, a valid receipt must accompany the printed original.
• The print music MUST have the measures numbered legibly.
• Marks other than the measure numbers should be erased; consider making a photocopy of the music you've marked prior to erasing the markings.
• Check in to the performance room at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled performance time; oftentimes the event runs ahead of schedule.
• For memorized solos, move all music stands out of the front of your performing area for maximum visibility of the judge.
• For non-memorized solos, push the music stand down as far as possible for maximum visibility of the judge.
• Prior to performing, performers should introduce themselves and the title of the music to the judge. Wear a SMILE for this procedure!
• Performances are evaluated by one judge. The judge will see the performance (it's not like a blind audition) and will provide a written critique and rating (1 thru 5, with 5 being 'Superior'). 

• Ratings will be posted near CONTEST HEADQUARTERS located in the STUDENT UNION BALLROOM LOBBY,and are also available toview through the OSSAA website.
• Students are not to go to the contest headquarters or managers to inquire about ratings.
• Please mark all cases and equipment with name, address, and school. OSU is NOT responsible for lost or stolen equipment.
• Cases may be temporarily stored in the Starlight Terrace (warm-up room). DO NOT store cases outside the theater of the Student Union. OSU classes take place in the Theater periodically each day, and we have been asked to keep the lobby outside the Theater.
• Please keep percussion equipment stored near the walls so that it doesn’t block the hallways. There is a lot of foot traffic through the Student Union every day, and keeping a clear pathway for people to walk is a constant challenge during the event
• Familiarize yourself with the location maps of the Student Union.
• OSU classes are in session throughout the event. Please be respectful of OSU students and staff, as we are visiting their space.

• Dress for success! Dress nicely (no jeans, no cargo pants, no shorts, no sneakers or flops, no hats) dark socks. Guys: collared shirt tucked in, a belt should be worn with you pants.
• You may want to bring along: phone/charger, $ for lunch, snacks, bottled water, homework, a book, etc. 



H.S. Accompaniment Recordings


French Horn