Check ALL tabs on thE sign-up page for upcoming events at OneOk Field, like the next Drillers game on June 8th. Details HERE.
This free camp is designed and required for incoming 7th graders switching to color instruments.
Mon-Thurs, June 7-10
9:00a-12:00, daily
WHEN: June 7-11, 2021
WHO: students entering Grades K-8 in the Fall of 2021
WHERE: UMAC at Union High School
SCHEDULE: 1:30-4pm Monday-Friday
FEE: $100 (includes camp T-shirt and Pizza Party)
★ Learn from the Union High School Color Guard members and teaching staff
★ Spend the week learning the fundamentals of dance and equipment-spinning
★ One-on-One training
★ Friday afternoon camp conclusion pizza party
★ Friday afternoon "Performance Showcase" for friends and family
★ Open to students entering Grade K-8
★ No previous experience is necessary
★ Masks required and CDC guidelines will be followed
Find details on a variety of summer camps, including:
Tulsa Low Brass Camp (June 1 - 4)
Bassoon Bonanza (June 7 - 11)
Oklahoma Arts Institute
Details at
Check out these great summer percussion camps:
Check our the exciting new Fundly Campaign for Macy*s!
Fundly will show your fundraising progress on Social Media and has a great online presence for friends/family who might otherwise not take the time to donate. Find out how to use these powerful resources for your student’s fundraising HERE.
Current Individual Fundraisers
More info about these Fundraisers can be found HERE
World’s Finest Chocolate - Now Available for In School Pickup
Beef Jerky - Now Available for In School Pickup
Shop with Scrips
Print Happy
OneOK Field Concessions
Come work the concession stand at OneOK field for a Drillers, FC Soccer, or other community events and earn money for your student’s band/guard account! Find more details HERE.
Important Student Account Information
Please log in to CHARMS and check your financial statement. Macy's/RR Participants: January-May Macy's fees should be fully paid at this time. If you you have a past due balance we must receive your payment ASAP.
Macy’s Payment Due
The next Macy's Fee is Due By June 15. Please log into CHARMS and check your account balance.
If you’re not subscribed to 5 or 6 REMIND groups for various band things, YOU’RE MISSING OUT! Get information about all of the REMIND groups and subscribe here!