8th Grade Bands 2022 Winter Concert

Dear 8th Grade Band Students and Parents,

We are excited to share our Winter Concert with you all tomorrow evening at 7PM at the Union High School Performing Arts Center.  Students need to be dressed appropriately (all black) and ready to warm up in their designated location prior to 6:30PM (6:25 is perfect).

Students may be dropped off in the bus loop if that is more convenient.  Parking will be in the south parking lot, so students can also enter the building just as they did for 8th grade night back in October and head to their respective locations (Concert Band on stage; Symphonic Band in Band Room 3, which is the same location we met for 8th grade night).  Parents will enter the HS on the south side of the building. You should see "Performing Arts Center" above the entrance (if it's not too dark..lol).  Look for the staircase going down/ramp into the building. 

Students are welcome to leave their instrument cases in their vehicle and just bring their instrument if they'd like.  Each ensemble will have a designated place to store any cases brought in and will need to be retrieved prior to leaving. 

All students are required to stay for the entire performance of both ensembles. 

Students will meet their parents in the PAC Lobby following the performances.

Thanks for your support and cooperation.  We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow and sharing an evening of music.

Weekly Beat | Union Bands | November 21

We hope all of our Union Band’s families and Union Teachers and Instructors have a blessed and HAPPY THANKSGIVING. We are thankful for you and your part in this Band Family.





Seniors/Parents of seniors:

If you would like to request your senior's marching uniform for senior pictures, please reach out to Molly Myers at uniforms.unionbands.com to make arrangements. Uniforms will not be available until January.

congratulations to
union high school:
O.B.A. 6A State



Congratulations to the following students who were named to the 2022-2023 NBDA All-District Honor Band roster!

Please add us to your talking points Classes with the code 6WBM26. We can not guarantee emails from Charms or Facebook group posts for fundraising information.

Stay tuned to our Talking Points for precise information on when the link goes live.

World's Finest Chocolate:

•Our on-line order form for in class pickup is available.

•Our next distribution by directors in class is Monday 11/28/22, or Tuesday 11/29/22 (precise date at the discretion of the directors).

•Our next in person distribution is TBD.

•UBPC is requesting payment for ALL previous checked out boxes before checking out any additional boxes. In addition, each student can only check out 1 box on credit.


•Where possible UBPC prefers ONE BIG CHECK for your fundraising payments, no coins, and exact change!

Did you know just by a simple click of the mouse, without any extra cost to you, you can donate 0.5% of each purchase to the Union Band? How, you ask? It’s simple, and a one-time step! Visit www.AmazonSmile.com and logon to the account you normally would.

Under the search bar, there is an option to support a non-profit group. Search for Union Band Parents Club Inc. Select it. That's it!  Just make sure each time you shop on Amazon, you go to www.AmazonSmile.com and the system will automatically choose UBPC.  0.5% of all eligible purchases will go into the Union Band's general fund.

Please pass this on to friends and family members as well. Again, there is no cost to you and the benefits to the Union Band could potentially be huge!

Feel free to contact fundraising@unionbands.com with any questions.

Transitioning from the now defunct Remind subscription code used for RR Marching Band communication, we are now test-piloting the Talking Points app.

We request that all students download this app and subscribe ASAP in order to avoid missing important information.  Parents are also welcome to subscribe.

*In-App Subscription*
Use code BK6B6C 

→ For English language, please text  953679  to  415-798-2370 
→ For Spanish language, please text  664301  to  415-798-2370 

For other languages, please contact us

We plan to expand Talking Points communication into other areas of our student organization in the near future.

Thank you for your patience & cooperation as we endeavor into a new communication platform.

UBPC IS MOVING TO TALKING POINTS!  Please join these groups to stay in touch:





Weekly Beat | Union Bands | October 26


RREGIMENT 3-WEEK OUTLOOK | october 24- november 13


please note that this schedule does not include all details and is subject to change


Final Week of the Competitive Season: OBA State Championship

Mon Oct 24 — No School (Virtual), Truck Unloading 3pm, 4-6pm Percussion Sectional, 4:30-7pm Guard Sectional
Tues Oct 25No AM Rehearsal. 4-6pm Winds Sectional
Wed Oct 26 — 7am Rehearsal
Thurs Oct 27 — 7am Rehearsal, 4-8pm Rehearsal
Fri Oct 28 — 7am Rehearsal, Gameday: Halftime Performance, 8th Gr Night, Senior Night
Sat Oct 29 OBA State Championship


Thurs Nov 3 Pep Band ‘C’ goes to Edmond - 4pm til Late


Fri Nov 11 — First Round Football Playoff Home Game - 6pm call time, 7:05pm kickoff. CiCi’s after.


friday night lights!

october 28

congratulations to
union high school:
boa Indianapolis super regional finalist

oba contest info: SAT. oct. 29


Please add us to your talking points Classes with the code 6WBM26. We can not guarantee emails from Charms or Facebook group posts for fundraising information.

Blue & Gold sales have closed!

•Delivery the week of Oct 31 (See Talking Points for exact date, time & locations). We never know what day or time or location until several days before delivery.

Texas Roadhouse Voucher Fundraiser will begin 10/26/22!

World's Finest Chocolate:

•Our on-line order form for in class pickup is available.

•Our next distribution by directors in class is WEDNESDAY 10/26/22, or THURSDAY 10/27/22 (date at the discretion of the directors).

•Our next in person distribution will be 11/8/22 at the UBPC Resource Night. All in person distributions happen at the High School.

•UBPC is requesting payment for ALL previous checked out boxes before checking out any additional boxes. In addition, each student can only check out 1 box on credit.


•Where possible UBPC prefers ONE BIG CHECK for your fundraising payments, no coins, and exact change!


Transitioning from the now defunct Remind subscription code used for RR Marching Band communication, we are now test-piloting the Talking Points app.

We request that all students download this app and subscribe ASAP in order to avoid missing important information.  Parents are also welcome to subscribe.

*In-App Subscription*
Use code BK6B6C 

→ For English language, please text  953679  to  415-798-2370 
→ For Spanish language, please text  664301  to  415-798-2370 

For other languages, please contact us

We plan to expand Talking Points communication into other areas of our student organization in the near future.

Thank you for your patience & cooperation as we endeavor into a new communication platform.

UBPC IS MOVING TO TALKING POINTS!  Please join these groups to stay in touch: