7th, 8th, & 9th Graders who auditioned into the NBDA All-District Honor Band will participate in a Clinic & Concert led by distinguished clinician conductors and featuring elevated repertoire.
Friday, February 14 CLINICS
10:00am Clinic registration & seating
7th Grade: BR3
8th Grade: BR1
9th Grade: UPAC Stage
10:30am Morning Rehearsal
12:30pm Lunch Break
Bus transportation provided to Woodland Hills Mall Food Court
Bring $
Bring your own lunch
1:30pm Load buses at mall and return to UHS
2:00pm Afternoon Rehearsal
5:00pm Dismissal
Please plan for transportation home from Union High School.
Music folder
WEAR: Comfortable but within school dress code and that which represents Union well
See information for Saturday, Feb 15 HERE
Absence from a full morning, afternoon, or evening rehearsal session will result in the automatic termination of the participant.
The band chairperson will deal with any absence or substantial tardiness after consultation with the clinician and the student’s band director. The chairperson’s decision will be final.
The band chairperson will also have the authority and responsibility to lower chair positions and/or remove the student from the band if his/her conduct in any way become a problem. The chairperson is expected to support the clinician in matters concerning student conduct.
If a student is not able to attend the clinic or concert, please have your director contact the district president so an alternate can be contacted. In addition, please send your folder with your director to the clinic for the other players to use.